We are the Pretty Good Painters. A team of talented, Los Angeles based (but NOT limited to) muralists painting one mural at a time for the betterment of our communities. This team is built of an assortment of hard-working creatives with a plethora of artistic knowledge.
Julia, being the founder of this organization, has spearheaded the industry with no holds barred. After her first highly impressive and massive mural she completed on her own, she quickly realized how much physical hard work this line of business was going to take. From there she started building and has not stopped since. Creating for people is her one and only passion and together, with you, we can continue to spread the love of art all over the globe.
It all starts with a creative idea. Maybe you’re looking to elevate your brand, create a scroll-stopping photo moment or perhaps it’s something a bit more personal. In any case, we’re here for you. Have an idea? We’d love to hear about it!
Our process is simple, quick and effective. We will work with you personally to customize your dream design. Our team of skilled artists will paint a custom, beautiful and unique mural that will transform your space and WOW your audience.